Monday, September 1, 2008

Ch-Ch Changes

Life lately has been interesting. Emotionally, it's been up and down. Between college back in session, work, and other life issues, my stress level is up. That doesn't help my bipolar disorder, but I'm hanging in there. Fortunately, there are great stress relievers. First are my two babies:

The gray one is Pansy. She's a clingy girl and loves to sit in my lap, and always sleeps with me at night. The black one is Lily, for the flower and since she's black, also for Lily Munster. She's a sweetie as well. She does have an annoying habit of wanting everyhing I eat and gets in the way when I eat in the recliner. Regardless, I love them dearly and wouldn't know what to do with them.
Another big stress relief is my knitting. I've done it for three years now and love it, as my enormous yarn stash at home would attest. Currently, I have a black shawl in progress that has bats on it. It's a blast to knit with. Once I can get photos, I'll post them. That sweater mentioned in the previous blog is on the back burner until things slow down, which won't happen until probably January. Some major life changes are happening, and it's wonderful to have friends, hobbies, pets, and family to support you when it's needed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful cats. i do hope we see more of you here on this blog.